We do not currently have any vacancies. But please check back for any jobs updates.

From time to time we work with local software engineering sub-contractors and students. Our location (principally in Southampton, Hampshire) means we are very accessible to the large student cohort from Southampton, Solent, Portsmouth, Winchester and Bournemouth Universities.

If you have any of the following skills, then please do contact us.

  • A knack for solving difficult software problems using the newest and shiniest frameworks.
  • Track record of estimating and managing agile software projects using tools like JIRA, Bitbucket and FreeAgent.
  • Portfolio including delivered XCode, Android SDK, Ionic, Laravel, CouchDB, SQL projects.
  • Embedded Linux and Arduino projects.
  • Machine learning, data science and visualisation (not mentioning specific tools or this page will rapidly go out of date).


Please contact us at info@winchesterinnovation.co.uk

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