Privacy Policy

Winchester Innovation Ltd is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We fully understand and appreciate the importance of such privacy.

English law and jurisdiction applies with respect to the content of this site and in particular we are registered under and comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act.

We do not reveal any information about your perusal and use of including but not limited to your name, address, email address, telephone number, and place of employment to any third party unless required to do so by law.
To the extent permitted by law, we do not accept liability for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for any consequential loss or loss of business opportunities or projects, or loss of profits) howsoever arising and whether in contract, tort or otherwise from the use of or inability to use the site or its contents, or from any action or omission taken as a result of using the site or its contents.

We are unable to offer any guarantee that the contents of the site are free from viruses or similar which have destructive or contaminating properties and shall therefore have no liability in respect thereof. We regularly check the site for viruses using the leading proprietary virus checking software.

Certain links within the site lead to external sites and servers, which are maintained by third parties unconnected to over which we have no control. We accept no responsibility or liability for any of the material contained on these sites or servers.

Any feedback relating to the site and to Winchester Innovation Ltd is welcome and by submitting it, unless you expressly tell us otherwise, shall become the property of Winchester Innovation Ltd and we reserve the right to use this feedback for use in case studies for marketing purposes, or to contact you with a view to obtaining further feedback on the site.

In the event that we change or in some way alter our disclaimer or privacy commitment, changes will automatically be posted here for you to view. If at any time you have any questions or concerns regarding this or any other matter, please feel free to contact us. or any other matter, please feel free to contact us.

Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies which may collect information and statistics about all visitors to this website.

What are ‘Cookies’?

A cookie is a text file saved to your computer’s hard disk by a website so it can remember who you are. Cookies only record pages of a website that have been visited by your computer and the duration of the visit to those pages. These remain on your computer until you leave the website and allow you to carry information across pages of the website without having to re-enter information, for example when putting items into a shopping basket, or logging in to a site. Some cookies will stay on your computer after leaving the website. For a more detailed explanation, see the types of cookies below.

Session Cookie

Also called a transient cookie, a cookie that is erased when you close the web browser. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed. Session cookies do not collect information from your computer. They typically will store information in the form of a session identification that does not personally identify the user.

Persistent Cookie

Also called a permanent cookie, or a stored cookie, a cookie that is stored on your hard drive until it expires (persistent cookies are set with expiration dates) or until you delete the cookie. Persistent cookies are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as web surfing behavior or user preferences for a specific website.

What is the new directive?

Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations 2011.

What does it relate to?

This directive relates to website users’ consent of Cookies created by a website.
The Directive states that a website’s users must knowingly give consent to the use of Cookies on their computers.
For more detailed information about cookies, how they work on your computer and how to delete them or allow them to remain on your computer, please visit