App Development

/App Development

Legacy Business Software

Our most recent projects take advantage of the latest 'hot off github' frameworks. Where we can pick from the likes of laravel, ionic framework, bootstrap, AngularJS and CouchDB. However, we regularly take on legacy business systems that are maybe not quite so modern. Two of which in particular spring to mind. The first, is a

By | May 23rd, 2016|App Development, Industrial control, Server side development, Technology consultancy|Comments Off on Legacy Business Software

Content Management Made Easy

Allowing users to manage their content in their own smartphone app in a way that is intuitive, but maintains the consistent look and feel of an iPhone or Android device is a challenge, but with the PRM™ Patient Experience Manager tools, Winchester Innovation have created a way to make this easy. The PRM™ content manager

By | July 29th, 2015|App Development, Healthcare|Comments Off on Content Management Made Easy

Aerostat thermal surveillance software

Developing the C# aerostat thermal surveillance software to run in the base station for the Owls Surveillance aerostat has required a thorough understanding of the GiGE Vision protocol handling within Microsoft Windows. C# is a flexible development language, but bouncing around on the back of an inflatable boat running on a ruggedised touch screen PC, wrapped

By | May 13th, 2015|App Development, Technology consultancy|Comments Off on Aerostat thermal surveillance software

University IP Commercialization

Last month, we released the latest updates of anyTide to Google Play and Apple App stores. The main addition being display of tidal currents. This marks a further step in commericalization of the university IP. This is the fruit of detailed collaboration with the National Oceanography Centre (in Southampton and Liverpool). The University has the

By | April 29th, 2015|App Development, Industrial control, Oceanography Technology, Server side development, Technology consultancy|Comments Off on University IP Commercialization

NFC Apps in Smartphones

I once spent many years (well about 2) slaving away inside Philips/NXP trying to pursuade: a) phone manufacturers to put NFC into something other than the Nokia 6131 (see Nokia NFC history) to drive applications b) app developers to deploy uses for NFC that would drive integration into phones In fact I remember corridor  conversations

By | November 28th, 2013|App Development, Healthcare, Industrial control, iPhone Projects, Oceanography Technology, Server side development|Comments Off on NFC Apps in Smartphones

Long busy summer

Long busy summer A quick update on some of the activities at Winchester Innovation this summer. We are now members of the Microsoft BizSpark programme. So we have been using the latest tools and software from Microsoft. And very good it is too. One of our current projects involves MS technology on board the Pieter

By | July 22nd, 2013|App Development, iPhone Projects|Comments Off on Long busy summer

BGS Smartphone Conference

BGS Smartphone Conference Yesterday,  Nick Thorne gave a presentation to the British Geological Survey Smartphone Apps, Maps and Augmented Reality Conference about the anyTide app. This was a great opportunity to discuss the process of taking anyTide from concept to a published app. In particular, the steps of elaborating the user experience in terms of

By | May 15th, 2013|App Development, iPhone Projects, Oceanography Technology, Server side development|Comments Off on BGS Smartphone Conference

anyTide anywhere anyplace

anyTide anywhere anyplace We are pleased to announce the arrival of anyTide  fresh into Apple App Store. More info here. "Tidal predictions anywhere along the UK coast that can also be used offline via the use of bookmarks." Its been an interesting process going from a blank-ish drawing board to this fully fledged universal tide

By | March 12th, 2013|App Development, Oceanography Technology|Comments Off on anyTide anywhere anyplace