We’ve been busy. Busy developing the Salisbury Hospital app concept into a full blown ‘PRM’ or patient relationship management tool.
Designed with the needs of patient experience officers in mind.

We have launched a micro-site, HealthPRM.co.uk to gather all the patient experience app information into one place.

  • Built in NHS friends and family test
  • Staff and patient friends and family test
  • Results dashboard with export to Excel
  • Complete content management system for management of the in-app information

Discussions with NHS departments are very positive. So positive that we are rolling it out for a new customer. More news on that soon.

The press has been carrying stories on the existing app and our plans.
Salisbury Expands FFT App
And a list of the older press articles:
Friends and Family test on your mobile app at Salisbury District Hospital.
Complete Friends and Family Test on mobile phone through new Salisbury District Hospital App.
New Salisbury District Hospital app for friends and family.
Complete ‘friends and family’ test on mobile phone through new Salisbury District Hospital app.
Friends and Family app for Salisbury

Needless to say, if you are responsible for patient experience in the NHS and are interested in harnessing the power of Android / Apple (even Windows Phone) smartphones, then please do get in touch via the contact form.